Sabo Dam Theory & Practice

1.        Basic design study report on the Improvement Project for Volcanic Sabo Technical Centre in the Republic of Indonesia. –

2.        The feasibility study on the volcanic debris control and water conservation project in the southeastern slope of Mt. Semeru : Main report. –

3.        The feasibility study on the volcanic debris control and water conservation project in the southeastern slope of Mt. Semeru : supporting report ; 3. –

4.        The feasibility study on the volcanic debris control and water conservation project in the southeastern slope of Mt. semeru : supporting report ; 2. -Contents : First priority project.

5.        The feasibility study on the volcanic debris control and water conservation project in the southeastern slope of Mt. Semeru : supporting report ; 4. –

6.        The feasibility study on the volcanic debris control and water conservation project in the southeastern slope of Mt. Semeru : supporting report ; 1. –

7.        Plan of operation of the master plan study for land erosion and volcanic debris control in the areaof Mt. Merapi in the Republic of Indonesia. –

8.        Scope of work of the master plan study for land erosion and volcanic debris control in the area of Mt. Merapi in the Republic of Indonesia. –

9.        Basic idea of data collection, analysis and planning of master plan study for land erosion and volcanic debris control in the area of Mt. Merapi in the Republic of Indonesia. –

10.     Report on river and sabo study mission to Indonesia. -
Report of the advisory team on the guideline for Mt. Semeru Project. -

11.     The feasibility report on the volcanic debris control and water conservation project in the south eastern slope of Mt. Semeru. Progress report ; 1. -- Japan Internati..., 1982,9.
Inception report for the feasibility study on the volcanic debris control and water conservation project in the South Eastern slope of Mt. Semeru in the Republic of Indonesia. –

12.     インドネシア共和 メラピ火山砂防基本計画策定調査(資料集) = Study for making master plan for land erosion and volcanic debris control in the area of Mt.Merapi, the Republic of Indonesia. –

13.     Study for making Master Plan for Land Erosion and Volcanic Debris Control in the area of Mt. Merapi: progress report. –

14.     Master plan for land erosion and volcanic debris control in the area of Mt. Merapi ; Supporting II.-Contents : G. Planning.

15.     Master plan for land erosion and volcanic debris control in the area of Mt. Merapi : supporting ; 1. -Contents : A. Geomorphology. - B. Geology and lahar deposits. - C. Hydraulics and hydrology. - D.River survey. - E. Record of disaster and hazard areas. - F. Socio-economy.

16.     Master Plan for Land Em\rosion and Volcanic Debris Control in the Area of Mt. Merapi : main report. -

Master plan for land erosion and volcanic debris control in the area of Mt. Merapi : drawings. - 

Design Standard in Japan

Groundsill K. Krasak (Siphon Mataranm) 

Sabo Dam

 inSoil Cement Sabo Dam
Events construction of sabo dams



teknologi kontriksi yang segera datang
i-construction works