Pengendalian Erosi Pantai


Penilaian Bahaya Gelombang dan Gelombang Badai Pesisir
Flood & Coastal Erosion Risk Breakwater armour units 

A large variety of precast concrete armour units have been invented over the years, from a simple cube to complex shapes such as the cob and tetrahedron, and a selection of these are illustrated in Fig. 2.52. Breakwater armour units are typically plain, unreinforced concrete without any steel reinforcement. Some units are used in single layers, and some require two layers to pack and function correctly.

Armour Unit 

Armour units are designed to have a certain mass for stability, which is a function of the wave conditions, breakwater geometry and the type of unit.  From: Marine Concrete Structures, 2016
Generally, concrete armor units are made of conventional unreinforced concrete except for some of the multi-hole cubes where fiber reinforcement is used. For slender units, such as Dolos with small waist ratios, various types of high-strength concrete and reinforcement (conventional bars, prestressing, fibers, scrap iron, steel profiles) have been considered. But these solutions are generally less cost-effective, and they are seldom used (EM 1110-2-1100 (Part VI) 1 Jun 06  Page VI-2-20 Types and Functions of Coastal Structures, & CEM)

Methods exist to design concrete reinforcement for CAUs16, in particular concrete quality, cover and quality of reinforcement in such a manner that chloride induced corrosion would not be critical before the design life of the units. However, the use of reinforcement in CAUs is generally avoided as any quality issue could significantly alter the role of reinforcement. Alternative design approach (such as larger or denser units) may achieve similar hydraulic performance / stability while avoiding the cost and risk associated with the use of reinforcement. 


   Japan Tetrapod (none steel bar reinforcement)

Rujukan Pengamanan Pantai


 A. Internasional

Shore Protection Manual, 1984

Coastal Engineering Manual, 2002

EurOtop Second Edition 2018 & Errata 2019


B. Nasional

Pengamanan Pantai (Permen PUPR-07-2015 

Pedoman Pengamanan Pantai (Permen PU-09-2010)  

Pemberlakuan Pedoman PKBP Pantai (SEPU-07-2010)  

Pedoman Perencanaan JettyTipe Timbunan

Pelatihan Pelaksanaan Fisik Bangunan Pantai


Tetrapods were originally developed in 1950 by Pierre Danel and Paul Anglès d'Auriac of Laboratoire Dauphinois d'Hydraulique (now Artelia) in Grenoble, France, who received a patent for the design.[3].


25. As discussed above, some breakage of armor units can be expected if they are placed by floating plant in exposed locations. Since sufficient information is lacking, concerning the forces to which armor units are subjected, to allow accurate stress analyses, and because adequate data from which the percent of armor units that are broken for different conditions of wave attack are not available, it is not possible at this time to make rational judgments concerning the necessity for armor-unit reinforcement.(Concrete Armor Units For Protection Against Wave Attack Report Of Ad Hoc Committee On Artificial Armor Units For Coastal Structures, Edited By R. Y. Hudson, January 1974)


“The Tetrapod has a relatively compact shape, with generously-proportioned transition sections between the legs and the central "body" of the block, which give it considerable strength; both experimental breaking tests and work site experience have shown steel reinforcement to be unnecessary, which is a great advantage for any constructional material intended for maritime work.”

(Coastal Engineering,. Page 471, Chapter 27,  The “Tetrapod" By P.Da.Nel '^Prdsident D 'Honneur" Of Sogreah And L. Gres10u, Head Of The Maritime Research And Design Department At Sogreah)


The Feasibility study on the urgent Bali beach conservation project : final report ; Vol. 1. -Contents : Main Report.

The Feasibility study on the urgent Bali beach conservation project final report : summary. –

The Feasibility study on the urgent Bali beach conservation project : final report ; Vol. 2. -Contents : Supporting report.

The Feasibility study on the urgent Bali beach conservation project : final report ; Vol. 3. -Contents : Data book.


Pengamanan pantai dengan metode Motor Pasir. Disebut Motor Pasir karena yang menggeser suplai timbunan pasir untuk memperkuat garis pantai pasir adalah tenaga penggerak angin, ombak dan arus laut itu sendiri. Hasil penerapan metode Motor  Pasir di Belanda diperlukan 21,5 juta m3 pasir ditimbun membentuk semenanjung di suatu pantai yang mengalami erosi berat. Awalnya timbunan pasir di semenanjung ini tingginyai 5-7 m dan menjorok 1 km ke arah laut. Timbunan pasir tersebut akan bergerak ke seluruh pantai dalam waktu 5-20 thn. Area yang dilindungi semakin jauh dan pantai pasir yang terbentuk semakin luas dari waktu ke waktu, dengan demikian alam membangun kembali dirinya sendiri 


Anlisa Gelombang Laut (upade Jun'15)

Bangunan Pengendali Erosi Pantai

Contoh Soal Rekayasa Pantai (update Agt'15)

Desain Bangunan Pengendali Erosi Pantai

Pengendalian Erosi Pantai (Low Cost)

Rekayasa Pantai dan Lautan

Tekanan Gelombang Pecah (Goda)

Motor Pasir

Coastal Fishing Harbour

Coastal Eng. Manual, European, 2016 (pdf)

Coastal Eng. Manual, European, 2018 (web

Coastal Eng. Manual, USACE (web)

Engineering Manual USACE (web)

Coastal Eng. Manual, USACE, 2008 (pdf)

Construction of Sea Groins 1 

Construction of Sea Groins 2

Online Course 

Beasiswa (fellowship) 

Groynes as shore protection

Folder (Coastal)  

Coastal Engineering Lecture 

Guidelines for single layer hollow cube armor systems for breakwaters and related marine structures   

Design of Concrete Armour Layers 

Reviewof the use of concrete in the manufacture of concrete armour units  

Experimental Study on the Placement of a New Concrete Armour Unit for Coastal Structures


Stability of Costal Structure (Lecture by LC van Rijn, Jan 2018)

SIMPLECOAST; A collection of diverse simple tools for a preliminary assessment of  coastal  problems  and solutions in coastal  areas.  Each tool  is illustrated by short tutorials, describing relevant formulas and practical application examples. SIMPLECOAST (xls files)

     Coastal Groins and Nearshore Breakwaters (USACE, 1992) 
     Armor breakwater (pictures) 
     Construction armor breakwater (videos)   
"Berdasarkan berbagai pertimbangan, terutama waktu pelaksanaan dan biaya, serta dampak lingkungan jangka panjang, sebaiknya unit armor tidak diberi tulangan besi baja "

Fabrication Giant Tetrapod
Fabrication Tetrapod

Tetrapods, intended to protect coasts and river banks, are often unreinforced. The possibility of tetrapod damage during transportation and installation, as well as the usage of unreinforced tetrapods would severely limit the effectiveness or load-bearing capacity of tetrapod for the stated purpose. Therefore, this study focuses on the calculation of the load-bearing capacity and residual-load-bearing capacity (load-bearing capacity after cracking or at larger crack-widths) of concrete tetrapod reinforced with synthetic-polymer fibers, which could be used for cases where the tetrapod are subjected to relatively high vertical-loads. (Žiga Unuk and Milan Kuhta , 2022)


1.     Henszey, R.J.; Wesche, T.A.; Skinner, Q.D.; Fanning, E.J. Evaluation of the State-of-the-Art Streambank Stabilization; Wyoming Water Research Center, University of Wyoming: Laramie, WY, USA, 1989.

2.     Bakker, P.; van den Berge, A.; Hakenberg, R.; Klabbers, M.; Muttray, M.; Reedijk, B.; Rovers, I. Development of Concrete Breakwater Armour Units. In Proceedings of the 1st Coastal Estuary and Offshore Engineering Specialty Conference of the Canadian Society for Civil Engineering, Moncton, NB, Canada, 4–7 June 2003.

3.     Lim, J.H.;Won, D.; Han, T.H.; Kang, Y.-J. Evaluation of the Weak Part for Wave Dissipating Blocks under Various Conditions: Tetrapod. J. Korea Acad. -Ind. Coop. Soc. 2014, 15, 5385–5392.

4.     Azenha, M.; Sena-Cruz, J.; Camões, A.; Ferreira, R.M. Numerical Simulation of the Structural Behaviour of Concrete Tetrapods Subject to Imposed Deformations and Applied Loads. In Proceedings of the Congress on Numerical Methods in Engineering 2011, Coimbra, Portugal, 14–17 June 2011.

5.     Mitsui, J.; Yamamoto, M.; Noboru, S.; Nishiwaki, I. Impact Force Analysis on Wave Dissipating Concrete Blocks during Rocking Motion. In Proceedings of the 32nd International Conference on Coastal Engineering 2010, Shanghai, China, 30 June – 5 July 2010.

6.     Min, E.-J.; Cheon, S.-H.; Suh, K.-D. Comparison of Stability Coefficients of Radial Shape Armor Blocks Depending on Placement Methods. J. Korean Soc. Coast. Ocean. Eng. 2015, 27, 135–141. [CrossRef]

7.     Alexander, M. Marine Concrete Structures: Design, Durability and Performance; Woodhead Publishing: Sawston, UK, 2016; ISBN 0-08-100084-7.